For most of my adult life I faced a quandary most of us have faced. At some point in our lives we have been asked for a hand-out by a street person, homeless person or pan-handler. I think that I have gone through all of the responses. Earlier … Continue reading
Category Archives: Transformation
Praise God!
Submitted by darlenethebean and dedicated to the survivors of Hurricane Sandy: When I became a real Bible student, I adapted prayer in my daily life. Over the years, prayer took many forms, but it morphed into sometimes just a bunch of requests with a brief thank you. One day I … Continue reading
The Parable of the M&M
Submitted By Eizzle This experience happened to me while walking to class one day in my college years. I was running a little late, and as I scurried along the path to the building on campus I needed to get to I looked down and noticed a stream of ants … Continue reading
Peeling Onions
This is what I understand it to be like: Picture an onion. An onion has many layers or skins. You peel off these very thin, almost see-thru layers of this world slowly exposing a newer, ‘cleaner’ interior. An inside that is lighter and brighter, like there is some light deep … Continue reading
Screw ‘Society’
Society tells us that it’s not polite to talk about God when you are with family and friends. Why is that? What could possibly be more interesting than how we will spend eternity? We spend more time talking about our next vacation, the kids’ dental hygiene, or the crap on … Continue reading