Recently I did something that I should not have. It was improper, immoral and something for which I am remorseful. It came out of the blue and belies most of the Christian teachings that I strive to live. Now some would say, if they knew what it was, that it’s not … Continue reading
Category Archives: Transformation
…open the doors and see all the people
When our kids were younger, I unknowingly did them a disservice when it came to the meaning of our attending church. I spent no significant time in explaining what we were doing, where we were going and why. It became a matter of us ‘taking’ the kids to church versus … Continue reading
Jesus Freaks and the Empty Tomb
I recently looked up the definition of the term ‘Jesus Freak’ in Urban Dictionary, and this is what I found: Someone who displays an unusual or embarrassing amount of enthusiasm for Jesus. Someone who: Has a bracelet, bumper sticker, t-shirt, etc with Christian phrases on it. Is a born … Continue reading
God Forbid!
Spending most of my life on the east coast, specifically New York, and specifically Italian, there are certain phrases that seem to have been around me for as long as I can remember. Now this may not be just an Italian, east coast phrase – but I seem to associate … Continue reading
Happy Lent
We are now into the second week of Lent. Even before I understood what it meant to be a Christian, I understood (or I thought I did) what Lent was all about. It was about giving up something, usually food, which you would miss until Easter when you would be … Continue reading
V-Day Redo
We are such a get it done and move-on society. This week it seemed as if there were so many things happening – cruise ship literally gone viral, manhunt concluded, state of the mis-union, blade runner murder, meteor attacks and the Grammys. We had very little chance to focus on … Continue reading
The Angels Among Us
Is it just coincidence that my belief in coincidence has diminished as my trust in God has increased? I have found that once I accepted salvation, I felt a greater desire to alienate myself from ‘this world’. Not so much the physical earth, which God created and is beautiful, … Continue reading
A new 20/20
I met two people today – both elderly and both terminally ill. They were both comfortable, and in no apparent physical pain and very much aware of everything going on around them. Both also seemed to be at peace – they understood what was before them. They were not bitter or … Continue reading