Today’s Reading….

If you do any type of scriptural reading or spend any time studying the Bible, you will come to see a very distinct difference in the character of God in the Old and New Testament.  Although there are very often very strong links that bind the two, the God of … Continue reading

Take Two

I got to thinking about how our lives are played out – like a movie or play – the various acts, scenes, dialogues, etc.  If it was you who had to write the screenplay of your life you would probably break it into acts: First – early childhood, then adolescence, … Continue reading

When I die…

A father of a friend of mine passed away very recently. I had the privilege of attending the service celebrating his life. It got me to think about my own mortal life.  And possibly what might be said of it.  And, of course, what the thoughts of those I would … Continue reading


In honor of Saint Augustine’s Feast day that just passed I want to take some time to reflect on a quote by him…. “You made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”  What a beautiful reminder that we are not made of … Continue reading

A Good Soul

A couple of years ago soon after our son had graduated ASU with a degree in graphic design, we had a talk.  It seemed that he was concerned about making the right career decision (When I got out of school, my only concern was how much someone might decide to … Continue reading