What Heaven is like…

I recently had the great pleasure of enjoying a live Christmas Show at a local church – the Scottsdale Bible Church.  It was extremely impressive – a full orchestra, chorus members of all ages, hundreds of performers, and a wonderful production.  What made the greatest impression on me was that … Continue reading

Mary’s Song

Every now and then a song gets into my head and there it lives.  I have had the song, ‘Alive’ by Natalie Grant posted on the Video of the Moment for a couple of weeks now.  If you have not listened to it, take the time to do so now <Click Here>, … Continue reading

Road Trippin’

It had been a while since Ellie and I took a road trip on our own.  Road trips are fun.  Last week we got in the car and headed to Taos, NM for a dear friend’s wedding.  Road trips allow you to do things that you don’t necessarily get to … Continue reading

Attention: Hippie Wannabes!

One of the top 3 (in my opinion) iconic statement songs of the ‘60s is Joni Mtchell’s ‘Woodstock’.  Most people know the version by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and according to Wikipedia, it was written based upon accounts of the concert from her then-boyfriend Graham Nash.  Like most of you, … Continue reading

Mo’ music

A friend recently convinced me to listen to mo’ music…music that would be a positive background to my day.  And I’m like a parrot once I get a tune in my head.  This one has been in there for a couple of weeks.  I love the words and music equally … Continue reading

Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar – I haven’t seen this entire performance live or film, but I know several of the songs from this play.  I particularly love this performance by Carl Anderson (playing Judas) – especially his entrance.  But the entire scene is amazing – the dancing, the singers, the set, the … Continue reading

We Are Family

Morning has Broken (click this link) If we spent as much energy focusing on what binds us rather than what separates us, Christians, Jews and Muslims would realize that we have much more in common than not.  This song is a reminder that we all share the same Father: Morning … Continue reading