A view from on high

There are many (I’m  not sure how many, but a lot.) of biblical events that take place on a mountain, or a hill, or some precipice.  (Think about that for a second and recall one…..)  And normally it is a place where God and man talk.  The mind of man … Continue reading

The Promised Land

What first impresses me after travelling through Israel is just how perfect a stage God created to play out Salvation History.  In a land no bigger than New Jersey, God has created majestic mountains, hills, plains, valleys, deserts, sea shores, rivers, canyons, caves, gardens and wastelands – truly amazing.  A … Continue reading


Even before the time of Christ, Jews would be required to journey to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple for the three high holy days: Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of the Tabernacles.  At those times Jerusalem would be packed with pilgrims from all over the kingdom.  It is the … Continue reading

The Prodigal Son’s Father

The gospel this week was the parable of the prodigal son.  We all know the story – father has two sons, younger son demands his inheritance, the father obliges.  Younger son takes it and blows it all on loose women and fast living.  Broke, hungry and alone, he decides his … Continue reading

Happy Lent

We are now into the second week of Lent.  Even before I understood what it meant to be a Christian, I understood (or I thought I did) what Lent was all about.  It was about giving up something, usually food, which you would miss until Easter when you would be … Continue reading

V-Day Redo

We are such a get it done and move-on society.  This week it seemed as if there were so many things happening – cruise ship literally gone viral, manhunt concluded, state of the mis-union, blade runner murder, meteor attacks and the Grammys.   We had very little chance to focus on … Continue reading


I walked by the TV today and caught a commercial.  I stopped because I saw the word ‘god’ on the screen – that always stops me.  It doesn’t happen that often so I am always interested in seeing what the message was going to be.  It was in the form … Continue reading

God and Sinners are Reconciled

Reconciled – transitive verb a : to restore to friendship or harmony b : settle, resolve I am pretty sure that my favorite Christmas song is ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’, and my favorite verse is ‘God and sinners reconciled’.  Four words that I use to help me understand the enormity of God’s divine genius in fixing what … Continue reading