How do you eat an elephant?

We tend to believe we need to wait until all of our circumstances are properly aligned before we can act.  New Year is a prime example.  I’m going to wait until January 1st before I seriously resolve to change something in my life.  I think that most resolutions fail because … Continue reading

What Heaven is like…

I recently had the great pleasure of enjoying a live Christmas Show at a local church – the Scottsdale Bible Church.  It was extremely impressive – a full orchestra, chorus members of all ages, hundreds of performers, and a wonderful production.  What made the greatest impression on me was that … Continue reading

Happy Hollow-days

Ellie was at Wal-Mart today looking for some Thanksgiving decorations for a couple of baskets she is making – Thanksgiving baskets. (I love my wife – going in for her second hand surgery and still will not stop doing what she was created to do – spread love and hospitality.) … Continue reading

Mary’s Song

Every now and then a song gets into my head and there it lives.  I have had the song, ‘Alive’ by Natalie Grant posted on the Video of the Moment for a couple of weeks now.  If you have not listened to it, take the time to do so now <Click Here>, … Continue reading

Things to Come

The other day we were celebrating a dear friend’s recent marriage.  We were at a local resort, so I had a Mai Tai.  My brother used to drink them (or a Zombie) in similar resort-ish environs, and although I don’t drink often, I adopted the tradition.  Well, then I had … Continue reading

Christ-Eye View

  So there is this incredible model in the Israeli National Museum in Jerusalem.  It is a model of the city during the Roman occupation and the time of Jesus Christ.  It is very realistic and built so that you are looking slightly down on it which enables you to … Continue reading