Heaven on Earth…sort of

What was the largest concert that you ever attended? In 1992, I was part of the crowd at a U2 concert at Meadowlands Stadium (NJ) in 1992.  There were approximately 80,000 fellow fans yelling, screaming, and singing to the wildly popular Irish band fronted by Bono. At one point a … Continue reading

Being True to Your Brand

A very long time ago, when TV had only 13 channels – half of which did not work – the granddaddy of all pick-up lines was “What’s your sign?” (Yes, really, as in zodiac.) These days though, you might be more ‘on point’ with, “What’s your brand?”  Having a brand … Continue reading

Breaking God’s Heart

I have to believe that a lot of us are wondering what the heck is going on with this world. I was prompted by a friend’s post today to wonder the same, and what God must think as He / She looks upon us we seemingly self-destruct (again). I immediately … Continue reading

Are we being inconsiderate when it comes to reopening our state sooner than later?

Inconsiderate:     1a: HEEDLESS, THOUGHTLESS b: careless of the rights or feelings of others 2: not adequately considered : ILL-ADVISED OK, so anyone that has NEVER been inconsiderate can leave the room…I’ll wait. It seems I’m still here. No surprise. In this case, though, what I’m most interested in is definition 2, the amount of consideration we give … Continue reading

Changing Lanes

I grew up in the NYC metro area where there are a lot of toll bridges and toll roads. When I lived there, the toll plaza had at times a dozen lanes into which you could pull up and toss your money into a basket or at the toll collector.  … Continue reading