JEE-zuss Kryst

Urban Dictionary is a website where you can see or create new words, phrases and definitions mostly pop culture type of stuff.  For instance, today’s top phrase is ‘body by Mattel’ defined as a ‘female that is more plastic than human’.  So, it is a place where people can express … Continue reading

Curse the sin and not the sinner

Last week former President Jimmy Carter made a few statements regarding gay marriage.  “I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else…I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage,” … Continue reading

Give it to me straight, Mother.

It is thought by many that once we stand in the presence of God all of the universe’s mysteries will be revealed simultaneously and we will become fully aware of the who, how, what, when and where of God’s will and purpose.  That should be an interesting day!  Imagine finally … Continue reading

Be comforted

Our greatest fear is death…for the mostly obvious reasons.  But, I am learning that as you get older the fear shifts from fear for yourself to concern about those that you are leaving behind.  We worry about them being sad or lonely or mourning.   But thankfully we Christians are also … Continue reading

Let it Rain

When I was much younger and much more ‘emotional’ I traveled the NYC subway system to and from college.  The subway was a great way to travel for me at that time.  For 50 cents I could get on one block from my house in the Bronx  and land in … Continue reading

One Big Tour Group

I was recently blessed with a trip to Italy with my wife, sister and brother (in-law).   We were part of a larger tour that was being arranged through a bible study class we are associated with – Arizona Bible Class.  It was a very gracious and courteous crowd many of … Continue reading

First Class to Waikiki

Please bear with me and this post, but I think there are some significant pay-offs if you stick with it as I try to describe something that I am still figuring out.  Feedback from several of you regarding the good Reverend Dollar’s talk about salvation indicates this real concern regarding … Continue reading