To walk out of God’s will is to step into nowhere. – CS Lewis We are taught from an early age the importance of free will and our ‘right to choose’. But, once you have accepted Christ into your heart things start changing, and for the better. There soon comes a … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
Our tools need sharpening
Yesterday was Yom Kippur – the holiest day of the Jewish faith. It is a day of Atonement – a day to look inward and realize how far we have come and how far we have to go. It is a day of fasting and reflection for Jews, so much … Continue reading
The Cause for Earthly Suffering
A little over three years ago, our brother, Guy, died after a two year struggle with cancer. It was a heart-breaking experience. During that time, it was extremely difficult to reconcile a loving God with such a tragic experience. It still is today. Each day literally millions of people will … Continue reading
All of me
Recently I did something that I should not have. It was improper, immoral and something for which I am remorseful. It came out of the blue and belies most of the Christian teachings that I strive to live. Now some would say, if they knew what it was, that it’s not … Continue reading
Mary’s Song
Every now and then a song gets into my head and there it lives. I have had the song, ‘Alive’ by Natalie Grant posted on the Video of the Moment for a couple of weeks now. If you have not listened to it, take the time to do so now <Click Here>, … Continue reading
Road Trippin’
It had been a while since Ellie and I took a road trip on our own. Road trips are fun. Last week we got in the car and headed to Taos, NM for a dear friend’s wedding. Road trips allow you to do things that you don’t necessarily get to … Continue reading
Things to Come
The other day we were celebrating a dear friend’s recent marriage. We were at a local resort, so I had a Mai Tai. My brother used to drink them (or a Zombie) in similar resort-ish environs, and although I don’t drink often, I adopted the tradition. Well, then I had … Continue reading
…open the doors and see all the people
When our kids were younger, I unknowingly did them a disservice when it came to the meaning of our attending church. I spent no significant time in explaining what we were doing, where we were going and why. It became a matter of us ‘taking’ the kids to church versus … Continue reading