What Heaven is like…

I recently had the great pleasure of enjoying a live Christmas Show at a local church – the Scottsdale Bible Church.  It was extremely impressive – a full orchestra, chorus members of all ages, hundreds of performers, and a wonderful production.  What made the greatest impression on me was that … Continue reading

Free Eats!

Ever several months or so I am presented with a sermon that is so valuable to hear that I feel the need to share it with as many people as possible.  You need to hear this sermon by Creflo Dollar.  Take a leap of faith in my judgment and spend the … Continue reading

1214 West Madison

There is a third of an acre of asphalt surrounded by a chain link fence in central Phoenix.  The tarmac lies directly adjacent to the Central Arizona Shelter Services.  Each evening the serial homeless and those with no place else to go gather, or, they are corralled by the local … Continue reading

Happy Hollow-days

Ellie was at Wal-Mart today looking for some Thanksgiving decorations for a couple of baskets she is making – Thanksgiving baskets. (I love my wife – going in for her second hand surgery and still will not stop doing what she was created to do – spread love and hospitality.) … Continue reading

1 in 175,223,510

For many years I used to fantasized about winning the lottery – normally when the prize got over a hundred million dollars.  (Like anything else would be a disappointment.)  I used to dream what it would be like to have as much money as anyone could need to help all … Continue reading